Today is World Book Day: Storytelling is at the Heart of Every Good Book

Today is World Book Day and a good excuse to have a natter about books and the role of storytelling with Helen Tarver, a brilliant brand storyteller. Next time you’re out buying a Boots No 7 or Soap & Glory product, stop a moment to consider how great storytelling (by Helen!) brought these brands into the limelight.

Today, Helen and I have been talking about fiction and she asked me the question:

“What can we learn from fiction writers to create better brand stories?”

And specifically, what can brands learn from my experience writing my fictional novel, The Hidden Village, which tells a Second World War story few people are familiar with.

“So here’s our first parallel to the business world,” says Helen. “There was a gap in the market for the story.”

Helen went on to ask me questions about my writing process and you can read the full interview here

What is World Book Day?

It was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.

And today, March 7th 2019, World Book Day is celebrated in the UK and Ireland. Schools, libraries, bookshops and publishers all have a common goal: to get children reading.

I gave a reading from The Hidden Village at Carterton Library

I gave a reading from The Hidden Village at Carterton Library